Spousal Support/Alimony


Experienced Barrington Alimony Lawyers Helping Clients Protect Their Financial Future

When a marriage is dissolve it can have unfair financial implications on a spouse. Spousal Support, also known as “Alimony”, is not awarded in every divorce case. Determining who will or will not receive alimony is a complex decision that is based on several factors, including length of the marriage and earnings potential of each spouse. An effective presentation of the facts can be a key component in determining the outcome of an alimony case.

Our top-rated spousal support attorneys are ready to assist with even the most complex alimony cases. Whether you are seeking alimony or defending against it, we will represent you at every step of the process.

For more than 40 years, we’ve been providing effective legal counsel in cases related to Alimony, Spousal Support, and Spousal Maintenance. To learn more about how we can assist you in your divorce case, call us today at 1-847-382-4560 or 1-847-221-5302 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.

Contact Us Today

We are proud to serve clients throughout northern Illinois, including communities in Cook, Lake, DuPage and McHenry Counties with respect to matters of family law.

1300 S. Grove Ave., Suite 104A, Barrington, IL 60010

Anna Markey Bush: (847) 382-4560
Ann C. Brady: (847) 221-5302

Free Initial Consultation

If you have legal concerns and are unsure of what to do, contact an experienced family law attorney at Law Offices of Bush & Brady, LLC today. Call us or submit the form to schedule a free initial consultation for an honest and straightforward assessment of your case.

We accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard payments, and we are available evenings and weekends by appointment for your convenience.

How Can We Help?

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